Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Some Favorite Musical Characters, Part I: Men Stars

   When it comes to musical movies, we get a good dose of men characters. Whether they are villains or heroes, many of the men of musicals have really interesting stories and lives. Below are my favorite men characters from musicals (Part II will be the women, of course)...

   To start off, what list would be complete without Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof? As a Jew during some antisemitic times in Russia, he is merely trying to (in his own words) "scratch out a simple tune" in his life. He may often bicker with his wife, but deep down, he knows he loves her, even though they never met until the wedding day.
   But it also isn't easy with five children being daughters, all of whom he must marry off without any dowries. Marrying daughters as a poor farmer is not small task!
   Tevye dreams of having wealth to provide for his family..."if I were a rich man..."
   Yet throughout all of the cultural and family changes, Tevye never wavers from his devotion to his faith. He loves his faith and he loves the LORD of the Jews, Yahweh. And even when he is forced from his homeland, he is caring for his family and, for those who have seen the film, continues to scratch out his musical tune.

   Next on the list is Jean Valjean, the famous protagonist from the 1980's musical Les Miserables. Coming out of crime, he finds himself in a relationship with God, his Creator and Lord.
   When you first see Valjean, he is a hardened thief who has certainly not found favor with the police. He does finally leave prison and Providentially stumbles upon a Bishop who shows mercy and love to Valjean.
   After Jean Valjean converts to religion, he runs from his criminal past and becomes a respectable mayor. In otherwords, religion turned his life around, being a major turning point for him.
   But when he indirectly causes the termination of a young woman's job, he discovers this same woman sunk into the depths of the French underworld: prostitution. After realizing how he played a part in this, he takes this woman Fantine to the hospital. Upon Fantine's death, he travels to find a daughter she left behind.
   In a beautiful picture I relate to Christ's sacrificial love and salvation, Valjean rescues little Cosette from the greedy clutches of a guardian inkeeper, Thenardier. Just as Christ rescued believers from gritty sin, Valjean saved Cosette from this gritty innkeeper and his loathsome wife.
   Years later, he finds himself sympathetic with the love Cosette has for a young man named Marius. He rescues this Marius from near-death in the French Revolution. But his criminal life of the past is catching up, as he pursued by the police inspector Javert. To protect the reputation of his daughter (and soon her husband), Valjean leaves his precious adopted girl.
   And still, he finds forgiveness in his God and dies into the glory of the LORD.

   Third, there is the Beast from Disney's classic Beauty and the Beast. One may ask, "How does a monster of a beast show and gain the love of a young woman?" It isn't possible, right? Wrong!
   In the beginning, he is a prideful, arrogant prince who refuses refuge to an old woman. This woman was actually a beautiful enchantress, who curses the Prince and his castle.
   Many years later, Belle, the beautiful daughter of an inventor, comes upon the castle of the Beast. At first, she becomes his prisoner. But soon, she finds that he may not be as bad as she once believed.
   The Beast is one of my favorite Broadway men because of his conflicted nature. Most of my favorite literary characters, actually, have conflicted natures. The Beast is torn between his despair over the circumstances of his life and the love he might feel for Belle.
   You can tell he doesn't want to fall into despair, but in his song If I Can't Love Her, he realizes that the curse may be upon him for all his life.
   But at the end, he does find his dreams come true. Belle's new dreams come true and the two have a true "happily ever after."

   Ah, yes. Who has not heard of The Sound of Music? As one of the most popular plays and movies of all time, this film has great plots, music, and characters. The main man is Capt. Georg von Trapp.
   A former Austrian naval captain, this widower has the difficulty of raising seven children, ages ranging from sixteen ("going on seventeen") to five.
   Still embittered from the loss of his spouse, the Captain treats his children more like navy recruits than, well, children. Apart from his family, he does find a spark of love in Baroness Schraider, a wealthy woman of Vienna.
   On top of all this, he and his children live in Austria during the late 1930's, which is the same time Nazi Germany merged with the Austrian empire. The world he loves is falling under the power to the men whom he despises.
   And yet, despite all odds, he falls in love with the governess of his children, Maria, rather than the wealthy Baroness. The two are, as Anne of Green Gables would say, "kindred spirits."
   Georg has some bitter and grief, but he finds a way to come through. His story in The Sound of Music displays the true power God has put into love.

   Next is Oliver Warbucks from the 70s musical Annie. When one thinks of a Great Despression-era billionaire, you don't usually tend to connect that image with a scrawny little orphan girl. But still, "Daddy" Warbucks adopts "little orphan Annie."
   Warbucks is quite the match for the word "capitalist." He certainly is not in agreement with the democratic President Franklin Roosevelt. But even the love of money can change into something else. For Oliver Warbucks, he finds a fatherly love for Annie.
   Even a billionaire can break their hard exterior for the right people.

   Of course, my list does include the King of Siam from the Oscar-Hammerstein musical The King and I.
   In the words of a song from said-same play, "This is a man who thinks with his heart, his heart is not always wise. This is a man who stumbles and falls, but this is a man who tries. This is a man you'll forgive and forgive..."
   Just as with Capt. von Trapp, the King of Siam lives in a world that is falling into chaos, all around him. The British Empire is continually seeking to grab new territories, scientific progress is at a peak season, and slavery is being eliminated from most of the world. But the King is in turmoil over whether he shall hold to the old ways of Siam (the old ways of his ancestors) or if he will completely join ranks in the new and more modern world.
   Yet with all of his faults, such as a hot temper, once the King pledges his loyalty to something, he is loyal.

   Finally, there is Harold Hill, the title character of Meredith Wilson's musical The Music Man. Hill's is a classic tale of shady backgrounds, but a life that is changed through love and caring for people.
   Harold Hill comes to a smaller town in Iowa, claiming that he is going to start a boys' band for all the school boys of the town.
   Little do the residents suspect, Hill is planning to get their money and fly the coop. His plan is going without a hitch, but then something happens: he meets Marian "the librarian."
   Because of his love for Marian, and also for the rest of the citizens, Harold Hill stays and does bring the boys' band to fruition.

   And these are my favorite musical men. How does your list compare to mine? Comment below.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Robin Williams: 1951-2014

   Good Morning, Vietnam
   A.I. Artificial Intelligence
   Dead Poets Society
   Night at the Museum
   The Butler
July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014
   What do all of these films have in common? The comedian-actor Robin Williams starred in each one of them, as either leading or supporting characters. He gave the iconic voice to the Genie of Aladdin, brought Theodore Roosevelt to life, flew the skies as Peter Pan, became President Eisenhower, and escaped from a magical board game in Jumanji. Also, he made millions of Americans smile and giggle during nearly all of his film and stage performances.
   Sadly, the actor was announced dead today, at sixty-three years of age. His talent and skills will be missed, though we can still look back and smile at his comedy (and also serious) performances.
   So goodbye, Genie; Teddy Roosevelt; Peter Pan; Prof. Phillip Brainard; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Alan Parrish; John Keating; Adrian Cronauer.
   As a small homage to him, here are just two profound quotes of his:
   "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
   "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."
   Now, of course, much can be said and discussed of his relationships, addictions, and beliefs. However much I might disagree with some aspects of his beliefs or life, just take a moment to remember an actual living being who died and to remember his accomplishments.
   Also, this is a chance to reflect on how life is but a burning straw...gone in an instant, compared to eternity. We are here on earth for a main purpose: to glorify the Creator God. Our lives are just a drop in the bucket of eternity, yet the Lord can use them in mind-blowing ways!

Dead Poets Society


Night at the Museum


The Butler



Revenge of the Directors

   Some of you might have noticed a "Twitter war" between director J.J. Abrams (Lost, Star Trek: Into Darkness, and the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII) and Zack Snyder (Man of Steel and the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice).

 The whole thing began when Snyder posted a photo of Superman dressed as a Sith Lord...

...and now J.J. Abrams has recently tweeted this Bat-3PO photo:



   (Of course, there are a few other pictures that you can find on either of the directors' Twitter pages)
   So it's now Master Abrams vs. Darth Snyder. Harmless fun, of course, but now we have the Revenge of the Directors going on. Who needs a seventh Star Wars film or a Superman vs. Batman movie when we've got a great plot lined up right now?!
   The question is, when will Zack Snyder strike back? "Wonder Leia?" "I am your father" featuring Superman and his father? There are a couple of ideas. Now we just have to wonder how long this duel will last and what will come next for the directors far, far away...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Too Much "Frozen" Might Give You Frostbite

 Can't get "Let It Go" out of your head? Are you wishing that "for the first time in forever," you could forget about  Frozen for a while (maybe a long while)? Perhaps you were hoping to get a break from the film "in summer." If the above describes you, then an apology is in order...because Frozen is continuing its reign.
   As if the first billion-dollar movie (and best-selling soundtrack to boot) was not enough, Disney has announced a book series continuing the adventures of Elsa and Anna. The first two books are scheduled to be released on January 6, 2015: Anna and Elsa #1: All Hail the Queen and Anna and Elsa #2: Memory and Magic. Erica David (known for her adaptions of the How to Train Your Dragon film) is writing the books. The publisher, Random House, also has planned to release a couple of books later in 2015, with several more per year.
   Wait, don't go! There's more. Since 1994, Disney has adapted many of their films into Broadway musicals. Just a few of these include Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Aladdin, Mary Poppins, and Newsies. So, yes, you guessed it; Disney CEO Bob Iger announced that Frozen is going to have a Broadway adaption. Now it's still in early development, so it won't be around for a couple of years yet. It will include all of the songs found in the film, and will also likely have some new ones as well.
   So if all of that isn't making your head spin, just hold on. In the finale of ABC's third season of Once Upon a Time, a familiar blonde woman appeared, wearing an icy blue dress. Frozen is on its way to the fourth season of Once Upon a Time. It, of course, has the classics like Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, and the Wicked Witch of the West. Now we jump to...Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff. Whoa! But there is even more of a twist: Elsa just might be a villain. The fourth season is set to air on September 28, 2014.
Yes, Elsa and the world of Frozen are coming to television.
   Well, Disney is obviously milking Frozen for as long as they possibly can (which, it seems, will be for the next few years...), but what is your take on all this? Can you hardly wait or is too much Frozen going to give you a frostbite?

"Transformers: Age of Extinction" is Still Alive

   Michael Bay's Transformers: Age of Extinction is currently on the top of 2014's highest-grossing films, passing X-Men: Days of Future Past and Maleficent by over two-and-a-half million dollars worldwide. The film has, so far, made over one billion dollars, the nineteenth movie to do so.
   To further prove that this action flick is not extinct, it is the fourteenth highest-grossing film ever (the only 2014 film thus far to be greater than the fiftieth highest-grossing film). But it still wasn't enough to get close to the cultural hit Frozen, though it still gaining money in theaters.
   It all makes one wonder, why is this mega-movie raking in all the dough? What exactly draws the international community into theaters to watch this film? Perhaps it is the thrill of the action scenes, perhaps the dialogue of the film, or yet maybe the actors.
   Whatever the case, Transformers: Age of Extinction may be well and living, but it is not quite "frozen" yet (pun intended!).

(Here are the stats of 2014's highest-grossing films and also the stats of the all-time highest-grossing films.)

Welcome: An Introduction to Movietown News

   Movietown News is the new blog from Family-in-Mind Reviews. There are no reviews here, but extra content related to movies. Hopefully you will enjoy the future posts on Movietown News!